WDCXFM Radio interview for book Born Again Afresh
Listen to internet radio with MIEE Christian talkradio on Blog Talk Radio
Can God trust you?
Listen to internet radio with MIEE Christian talkradio on Blog Talk Radio
You have been commanded-"Fathers day special"
Listen to internet radio with MIEE Christian talkradio on Blog Talk Radio
Born Again "Afresh" this book is now available at Amazon.com, authorhouse.com, barnesandnoble.com
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Do NOT Reason with God!!!!!
Do NOT reason with God, when He calls you to something that means He already knows that you can do it-remember He is our creator, the Bible says: “He knew us before we were created”
-Jeremiah 1:5, trust me, this testimony below is evident that God is powerful and that when called by the Lord do not justify, run or reason, instead draw nearer to Him and be blessed!
Mid-summer 2011 God laid it on my heart to write a Fiction-Novel, He even provided the title like He always does, BUT! I…… on the other hand was very reluctant, I am even embarrassed to talk about this as a Christian but I believe in telling the truth and shaming the devil! I heard what the Lord said to me about this novel and I started my reasoning with Him, my conversations sporadically went like this every time I sat down to “try” and write this novel.
“God….you know I am not a Fiction Author”
“Fiction Authors are creative and highly talented; Lord you know that is not my genre”
“I don’t know what to write….what am I going to write about Lord?”
“God! You know I won’t be able to do this book”
On and on…. the lines of reasoning continued, I literally sat down and wrote the title and copyright information and the introduction that summer and I called it quits! I re-opened the rest of my unfinished books to work on them but I could not write, I could not think, I could not focus and I got very frustrated and decided to take a break, Ladies and Gentleman…. I realized I reached what is known to some as “writers-block” BUT to God this was His way of saying: “I am waiting for you to listen to my command until then-you will be able to continue”, I never ever had this kind of experience in the few years that I have followed the command for my writing, that December when I was in California I managed to write and complete a booklet (not my proudest moment-but it was something), I was still frustrated that I was not able to work on my open projects. When I came back home in January my Church family and I embarked in a corporate prayer and fast, it was at that moment in January in which God laid it on my heart to seek an agent for my books, mind you I have been self-publishing this whole time, I thought it was a great idea, after all I had at that time 10 completed books that where ready to go, after receiving that message from God in January I created my annual-personal fast calendar in which I generally add one month in the year for fasting, this time my Spirit laid it on my heart to fast for 2 months, separate months of course, my first personal fast would be in May then the second would be in October, I did not have anything in specific to fast about except that I get a fair agent, one that represents me according to my calling and the rest of the fasting would be for God’s will to be done over my life and to be real-close to God, that was it!……unbeknownst to me that God-once again had other plans for me in this fasting, when I started my fast that first week of May, I was working on an awesome book that talks about addiction and Spiritual healing through God with testimonies of my addiction and how God helped me over come, as I wrote this book (which is a great-title and powerful message-the Holy Spirit really shinned in this book), God led me to the introduction of my novel….yes! the novel (the book I was dreading and knocking myself down)….God worked a good one in me, all I remember is; sitting there in person but typing away thoughtlessly through the Spirit, I had no plot, no notes, nothing but the Holy Spirit and yet!!!! The book just wove itself together in a conspicuous way (God is good!) this was the greatest feeling ever. The writing of the Novel had officially begun that first week of May and as I embrace July I am only 6 chapters away from completion and about 200+ pages completed. Hallelujah…the power of our living God!!! I love writing fiction literature…it’s the new me and God knew that I would enjoy it!, the anointing was and is still thick that I continued to fast for an extra 10 days after my initial 30 days, I did not want to lose out on the anointing, the novel is powerful, captivating, amazing, keeps me on the edge of my seat as I never know what the Holy Spirit is going to do next… and all through God, I tell you I cannot wait each and every time to write the next chapter, to find out what was happening to Jessica, Bernie, Charity, Marybeth, Sky, Mandy, Dr Marchelee, Bishop Parcell and so-on…God has a sense of humor that in the course of this novel I have had the liberty to meet my character’s… “I know-sounds crazy!” but no its true, I wrote about these different characters and their situations (all made up of-course, hence-fiction) but! In the course of writing this novel I have met and talked to several people-randomly and could not help but notice the similarities of their life’s story’s to my character’s which gave me goose-bumps!…but all I could do is praise God because I know that this was His way of confirmation of the power of the novel.
Love you! Be blessed and hope to catch up with all after completion of Novel :) Please keep me up-lifted in prayers xoxoxo
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Felicity the lagniappe of God's desire
To know ones self-happiness through Christ is to know felicity, life as we know it is a rigga-marowa of a surreal action, mystery and drama filled movie, even though some live life vicariously through others, some live life in halation, some live life-to its fullest, the axiom of life is that we are intended to experience it in an auspicious manner, God is our life’s compass, and He will navigate, capitulate your life to God and experience a life worth living, a life filled with felicity, God+Felicity=incontrovertible happiness!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Tomorrow is not promised....wake-up!!!!
Christianity is not an example of antidisestablishmentarianism, rather it is arcane to those that try to nit-pick and figure it out, so what I have a self-love for God and His people?, what I do not do is care for the concerns of the world which place me in the minds of “critics” ….only the one they call the Christ is the judge of my actions, the affairs of society do not concern me as they bring forth societal crucifixion in my ascetic, God loving life. Christianity-of course is more than your everyday aphorisms; “To blessed not to be stressed”, “you are a victor not victim”, “you have to go through you story to get to God’s glory”, “you have to have a test for a testimony”……and so on! I depend on the 3 aspects that govern my life, salvation, baptismal in water and Spirit, these are my concerns and the concerns of those that wrote the letters before my time but of course under God’s direct supervision, this is step one to the Christian life, not the apocryphal stories that are conjured from the mind of the lost, Christianity is not a walk in the park but rather an asperity, one in which we have God at our disposal to assuage our life’s journey, those that do not know about Christianity risk themselves at the hands of a life of belied man made doctrines…..the truth is…God is alive and still present from back then till now, the fallacy is that the world can live harmoniously practicing the way of the word and the world (what foolishness!), you cannot be in the middle of the fence, that is not Christianity according to the doctrine, all the braggadocio of some bloviate “false-prophet”, “wolves in sheep’s skin” who have lead good and yet ignorant people to stray from Christ, wake up!, get a clue, the one they call the Christ, the messiah is walking back on this earth no sooner than you can say “I repent”, now is the chance to give God a chance, now is the time to join the movement of the tribe of the anomaly… (The Born Again Christian’s) the peculiars, the ones that are awake and sober and are awaiting the return of the Christ in patience, I am unapologetically Christian and proud in whom I serve.
-A breviary from the memoirs of Author, Memory Bengesa © (Inspired by chapter 6 of Born Again Afresh by Memory Bengesa)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Born Again Afresh book interview
Listen to internet radio with Pastor Lorenzo Neal on Blog Talk Radio
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Who is occupying your body?
Like a beautiful perfume bottle, it always looks good on the outside and yet we never know what kind of scent it holds, just because the bottle is well crafted does not mean the scent it produces is sweet and great smelling……this analogy pertains to our bodies, who is occupying your body? The thing with sin is the fact that we cannot hate the person that commits sin, but we can hate the sin they commit, because in that moment of sin their body is being used as a vessel for evil, God wants us to be vessels for Him, as beautiful as His crafted our bodies our inside must match the outside meaning our inside should be occupied with God and holiness, your body is the temple in which the Lord wants to dwell in rent free as His son paid the dues and God wants to room in your body with His son and the Holy Ghost and no one else….such as evil, create your vessel for God’s purpose so that the Lord can dwell in it in peace, Hate sin and love God and love godliness .
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:9
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Resurrection Sunday- Forgive, Love on them and Forget!
Resurrection Sunday has shed a new light in my life.....not only is it a day I celebrate the resurrection of Christ but God gave me a thought in a deeper sense.....one that left me yearning to be more and more like Christ! Jesus carried His own cross down a street of non-believers and mockers (symbolic to: the world today as a Christian you are carrying the word and sharing it whilst people mock and sometimes even laugh at us), He was hung on the cross, crucified and tormented by on lookers and even ridiculed (symbolic to: the Christians that are persecuted today because of their belief and even tested for reaction to see how much of a Christian they are)......only to utter the words "Father! Forgive them for they do not know what they are doing" now this is the powerful epiphany I had..... Am I asking God to forgive all that have betrayed me, mocked me, back stabbed me, talked about me, hated me, slandered me, wronged me, judged me, accused me, disappointed me, hurt me, caused me pain, heartache......I AM ASKING GOD TO FORGIVE THEM AND FOR MY LOVE FOR THEM TO REMAIN INTACT?....this was the powerful thought that came to mind as Christ went through all the above and all He asked was for their forgiveness.....genuinely…this exemplifies a true LOVE, brothers and sisters God is not asking us to get even, despiteful, vindictive, rather to embrace those that have caused wrong doing in our lives and to forgive them as Christ did, to love on them and to forget, this was a powerful thought as I felt that it took me time in prayer asking God to heal my hurt because of people's wrong doing and my forgiveness for people came with a wager of justification....well they have to apologize first, or......I forgive them but did not feel it in Spirit only because I wanted to go in prayer, or I completely forgave and did not love on them.... I urge us to be more and more like Christ, there is nothing in life that we have under gone that Jesus has not felt, except His was more intense, if Jesus can forgive and love on the wrong doers so can we!
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