WDCXFM Radio interview for book Born Again Afresh
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Can God trust you?
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You have been commanded-"Fathers day special"
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Sunday, April 28, 2013
Friday, April 26, 2013
This Made Me Tear Up!
SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?"
SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "If you must know, I make $100 an hour."
SON: "Oh! (With his head down).
SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow $50?"
The father was furious.
DAD: "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
DAD: "Are you asleep, son?"
SON: "No daddy, I'm awake".
DAD: "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $50 you asked for."
The little boy sat straight up, smiling.
SON: "Oh, thank you daddy!"
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.
DAD: "Why do you want more money if you already have some?"
SON: "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do.
"Daddy, I have $100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness. It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $100 worth of your time with someone you love? If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family and friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.
Some things are more important.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The "Extra-Mile" Attitude
What makes you stand out among many is your ability to go the “Extra-mile,” After spending years in the leadership role in Corporate America I came to notice the difference between each employee that came and left, the employees that stood out the most for promotion sake and or recognition where the ones that went the “Extra-Mile,” and please understand that they did not go the “Extra-Mile” because they had to, they went the “Extra-Mile” because they wanted to and because of that willing attitude they were easily noticed and set-apart from the rest (average-employees), some people go to work on a full time status with a part-time mentality and wonder: “Why they are not getting promoted.” Your ability to carefully master tasks starts at the very basic things you already do, if you cannot willingly go the “Extra-Mile” for your employer what makes you so sure that you will be able to go the “Extra-Mile” for your faith, health, own company, marriage, children and or family? No matter what you do in life even if you dread your job or love it always do it to your best and with an “Extra-Mile” Willing attitude as a part of your great work-ethic not reward-seeking and witness the great favor upon your life.
Remember a voluntary “Extra-Mile” attitude breed’s an abundance of favor.
"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." Colossians 3:23
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Kin to Comfort.....
We all have that one or two if not three cousin’s that you generally don’t get too excited to see-sometimes! My long-distance 6 times removed cousin Comfort came to visit me some years ago, I remember it as though it was yesterday, when comfort showed up at my door-step unannounced I was in a bit of a surprise as there was no warning or call made so I had to quickly accommodate, after the day of visit it seemed that Comfort was in no rush to moving on to the official destination, sooner than later days turned into months and of a sudden it seemed that Comfort was there to stay! I really realized why I did not care too much for Comfort because ever since the first day Comfort worked hard to sway me into the same path of stagnation, when I had-had enough I put my foot down and gave Comfort an ultimatum! It was not easy because that is still my relative but I had to do what I had to do in order to succeed, I realized why my mother warned me against Comfort, after I sent comfort packing I realized that the family rumor of Comfort was true, majority of my family will not let Comfort stay in their homes not even over-night because of the known habit of stealing, after I sent comfort packing I realized my health was gone (stopped going to the gym-gained weight), my bottle of motivation was missing (My writing stopped), my drawer full of hope (Seeing past the present in my writing and seeing the done project) was also gone and lets not even talk about my purse of bliss! Not only did Comfort come into my life to take from what I had worked hard for but I literary felt as though I had to start all over again which was painful as I had worked hard to obtaining hope, weight-loss, motivation and bliss, after comfort left ironically enough my favorite first cousin Uncomfortable showed up, at this time I was reluctant to even entertaining any more family after my ordeal with Comfort but! Uncomfortable had a way of always making me feel so in a sense I embraced Uncomfortable, I remember when I initially met Uncomfortable, I could not get a good sense but I can tell you the feeling of getting used to Uncomfortable was not easy-but throughout life I have come to terms with the fact the Uncomfortable is going to be Uncomfortable and its either you like it or not and I chose to like it, So! Uncomfortable came in for a day as well and over-stayed the welcome but I could tolerate Uncomfortable because of all the great life lessons Uncomfortable taught me, at first I felt as though I could not relate with Uncomfortable but when Uncomfortable started to show me my own strength by believing in me I felt very confident, Uncomfortable has been patient by teaching me one step at a time-truth be told between you and I -I initially did not like Uncomfortable-I despised Uncomfortable but after spending lots of time with Uncomfortable-Uncomfortable is starting to grow on me…..so-much-so that I have even asked Uncomfortable to be my permanent roommate.
Ladies and Gentleman! If you want great success in your life’s endeavor it is time for you to part ways with your long-distance cousin Comfort and reach out to your first cousin Uncomfortable and let Uncomfortable take you through the barriers of Comfort, Uncomfortable will bring out the inner strength you never knew off that will help you attain your endeavor, remember if you let Comfort over-stay the welcome then you stand to have your life’s endeavor stolen and if you are not too careful Comfort’s twin “Laziness” will show up and then you really will face challenges attaining your endeavor.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Build Your Pinocchio! (Dream)
For those of you that do not know this part of me-please allow me to share! I am a huge Disney/Pixar Supporter! Yes! I said it and I mean it! You say animation I say where and what time? The main reason I enjoy watching animated movies is simply for the fact of that moment I can escape into a world that is yet blissful and full or moralistic adventure’s….today as I was thinking about dreams Pinocchio came into mind, the old wood-carver carves a puppet in which he named Pinocchio, Pinocchio was brought to life by a blue-fairy (Don’t stop reading I am not done) who told Pinocchio he could be a real boy if he proved himself brave, truthful and unselfish.
Today you are faced with a dream, perhaps it’s the adventure of starting your own company, pursuing a calling, flying a plane and or feeding the hungry in a third world country-whatever your dream is-it’s your dream (Geppetto-the wood-carver) had a dream, he built it with his own hands and believed in his own dream so-much-so that it came to life to Geppetto, I am pretty sure the local towns people wanted to put him in the nut house-because surely how can a wooden carving come to life? But to Geppetto-the most important key player in this it would come to life, his dream proved his bravery in believing his dream, his truthfulness of commitment to his dream made him unselfish to himself and his desire of following the dream into fruition. Today people are looking at you like they looked at Geppetto and today some people are even talking about you but as long as you build the dream with your own hands and believe that your dream will be alive (Reality) and walk (Success) then your dream shall be alive (Succeed).
“Build your Pinocchio(Dream) and believe(Know) that it will be alive (Reality) and walking (Success) .”
The Road of Possibility......
Some are born in the impossible-of-impossible situations, dating back from birth to childhood; they feel as though there was never a chance of possibility-but when hit with trying times in life they turn to believe the possible that they have never known and it is here where they succeed from the impossible to the possible whereas some are born in the possibility-of-possibility situations, dating back from birth to childhood they feel as though there always has been the chance of possibility-but when hit with the harshness of life they feel the impossible for the first time which deceives their mind frame to believe in the impossible than the possible they grew up in which causes them to remain in a stage of impossibility, the difference between the two individuals is simply the fact that the one born into impossibility and the one born into possibility made decisions in their lives that would directly affect the out-come of their perspective on life, understand that your dreams are as good as your mind of possibility-believes (not thinks), dreams that are birthed into impossibility by an impossible-mind frame stand a chance to die before they reach possibility, dreams birthed in impossible situations with a mind-frame of possibility stand a chance to succeed the impossible and produce the possible.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
My Purpose's Denouement
I remember it as though it was yesterday when God called me to purpose, I truly thought God had mistaken me for someone else but that quick I corrected my jejune mind, for God is not a God of desultory..... I was scared straight to purse the task God gave me and I think the main fear being, "How are people going to react toward my calling?" Till God eased that thought then the next set-back thought was, "Will I be any good?" Then God proved that point by allowing a recognition-award here-and-there, finally I was convinced that this is where He wanted me, I took head and explored my calling past areas of comfort-and it was in the areas of dis-comfort in where I found favor! And promotion, "How could-this be?" Only God! Knew.....today I believe God for yet another breakthrough in this next level of purpose promotion that He has brought me to! This task is mightily heavy, as crazy as this sounds I am actually anticipating God's greatest miracle in my life for this project, I can truly say the human-man in me cannot fulfill nor see it coming to fulfillment but! The spirit-man in which I am lead by knows that God will see me through and I can endure this process which is challenging, never thought in my whole entire life I would ever go through such incongruous events but God keeps reminding me that I have to go through the valley to get to the mountain top!......God has never failed me and he won’t fail me now, His plan for my life will not founder-for I serve a living God! #2013-project.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
When A Plan Fails....
My faith in God has taught me a lot and it is because of that I'm reminded that plans don't fail, oh! Let me clarify my statement, you-see sometimes we sit around and waste time concocting endless lists of man-made-plans when God already has the Plan for you, just because you plan-a-plan and it doesn't go the way you planned doesn't represent failure, it just represents the fact that God has a certain plan for your plan.
Some years ago I woke up running extremely late and was frustrated, my coworker and I where carpooling that day, when she pulled up to my driveway she waited patiently, frustrated because I was 15 minutes late from our departure time I came outside the house with a bit of an attitude towards myself, we got in the car and headed for the connecting bridge from Missouri into Illinois and it was here where we were detoured, the bridge was shut down, which made me feel even worse because I had initially made us run late and now we have to detour through downtown! Man! My plan that morning seemed to have failed us! As we got downtown I turned the radio on to listen to traffic delays...... and unbeknownst to me- my life had been spared by 15 minutes! Of a failed personal plan! There was a major accident on the bridge we normally crossed (the one that was shut down) that involved a gas semi-truck that exploded exactly at the time that we were supposed to be crossing over into Illinois in the lane that we would have been traveling on! To help you understand the scene, this was a two way lane on each end with a short concrete median in the middle and a short metal rail on the right side so there would not have been any room to maneuver given the predicament of the explosion. Even up to now I get goose bumps thinking of the mere factor that had we been on time we'd been on time for death but God! Had other plans for us, sure we got to work late but we were alive, even though the plan didn't go according to the way I wanted it-it still produced results in the fact that the main objective was met, which was being at work, sometimes in our lives we feel as though a plan has failed when God is actually creating a detour for your plan due to your unseen dangers and harm! And God’s knowledge of it, so next time you feel as though your plan failed thank God for making a plan out of your plan.
A Beautiful God
I'm privileged to be a child of God, I'm humbled to be used of God and I'm delighted to defend that which is of God, I'm reminded through my life that God is a beautiful God, He has taught me how to be and feel beautiful, He has restored me from thine inequities and delivered me from my internal ugliness, His reached in my heart and touched it for Spiritual sensitivity and His touched my mind to be alert and wise for His kingdom sake, His whispered in my ears affirmations of great promises to come, I feel beautiful from the inside out because God is beautiful and He has shown me of my inner beauty!
Rich In Spirit
I woke up with a dollar between me and poverty and payday was nowhere in the vicinity-but! Was reminded I'm rich in Spirit, though going through life's tests that are unfamiliar to me I was still grateful that I am rich in Spirit, in my highest point of life I feel rich in Spirit and in my lowest point in life I feel rich in Spirit, if you ask me I'd rather be rich in Spirit and broke in pocket than to be rich in pocket and broke in Spirit for my Spirit keeps me grounded in faith and my Spirit serves as a reminder of Gods promises that will be fulfilled in my life, in Spirit I'm hopeful, in Spirit I'm grateful, in Spirit I am at peace, in Spirit i am content, in Spirit I am happy, in Spirit I am alive! and in Spirit I understand that each has a season and mine will be here sooner than later through Christ who grants me strength, once you learn to be rich in Spirit you will prosper when rich in pocket!
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