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Born Again "Afresh" this book is now available at Amazon.com, authorhouse.com, barnesandnoble.com

Born Again "Afresh" this book is now available at Amazon.com, authorhouse.com, barnesandnoble.com
How struggling Christians can get back on track By Memory Bengesa

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Naked Truth

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Naked Truth 

I spent a whole year last year waking up and trying to be consistent in the gym, mind you I have been a gym member for about 8 years now but a non-participating member at times (don’t judge me) however last year I told myself that I wanted to go the whole year, a whole year’s worth of attendance commitment because unlike before I’d get on my momentum-spike right around January and hit my burn out  right before fall started and drop out, slowly but surely, so to cut a long story short I went somewhat hardcore in the gym last year (at least I thought) did what I had to and when the year was over I didn't feel as though I had produced the results I was looking for after my commitment level goal, so feeling really unmotivated this year I sat down to think of what really happened,  mind you I knew I had to go the whole way with the “naked truth” of the matter, for instance I realized that even though I stuck out in my commitment of my gym attendance without any interruptions for a year out of 8 years I did not do much for my eating habits (ding-ding-ding…. so just because I have to tell myself the truth doesn't mean it’s  always an easy pill to swallow),  my personal truth at its core kind-of- hurt me, I mean-really! It-did, because if I wanted to sugar-coat my eating habits I would justify them by saying that; “I was eating healthy” but the truth would be to my standards of “eating healthy” not to a nutritionist standards, my own deception of eating healthy is-knowing that I did not eat out from fast-food establishments and the fact that I cooked more at home, but! When the rubber meets the road (which it eventually does) my cooking at home and my daily eating was not precise with healthy habits, my candy fixation (chocolate-which I think I’ve been delivered from) were also not quote-and-quote healthy eating habits, I was struggling at letting go of my favorite no-so-good-to-my-health-foods such as, ice cream, chips, cake and chocolate, I’d rather work hard in the gym than surrender my relationship with unhealthy snacks….. so any ways-my “naked truth” for that year’s not so progressive gym results was the “naked truth” of my eating habits, I had to curve some habits, learn some new ones and revisit some to come to terms with my new year’s gym momentum in order to gain real results. You see brothers and sisters, even though this might be a mere example, I have come a long way, like some I used to struggle deeply with admitting to the “naked truth” as it stood in my life, I justified the truth to make myself feel good, normal and somewhat functional in my human capabilities when the “naked truth” begged to differ in my life, I want to advise you-today to seek God all mighty in boldness to help you with your own “naked truth,” even though addictions can be classified as bondage and or strongholds but the first part to healing, spiritually and professionally is admitting the “naked truth” to your addiction, you might have been married 8 times and divorced 8 times and still continue to look for a mate because your deception of your truth to relationships might have been justified all throughout the 8 marriages, so-much-so that you truly believe it’s the other peoples fault for your broken marriages, well today I say to you my love! With love, embrace the “naked truth,” ask God to help you, I am not necessarily saying failure was your fault but sometimes when we reveal the “naked truth” about ourselves we inversely heal past wounds and diminish hindering deceptions, you see, I used to be like some, when I was 250 pounds I used to say that “I am big-boned,” or even when I was struggling financially I used to say that, “I have too many bills to pay-that is why I am always broke” there were times that even my own relationships with friends failed that I actually blamed them instead of looking at myself and facing my “naked truth,” it is true to context that the truth-hurts, trust me I know! No one wants to be labeled as a bad parent, neglectful parent, neglectful friend, selfish spouse, abusive spouse, addicted person, poor, failing, criminal, bad, and-so-forth, no one wants any negative captions associated with them-especially Christians “sometimes” (not all-just-some! So calm down) I don’t understand why some Christians put so much pressure to be close to perfect than to embrace the flaws that we have so that God can fix and or strengthen them for His glory and testimony-sake! Some Christians think if they face their “naked truth” they have failed their spirituality when in terms they are strengthening the growth of their spirituality….if people could worry about their own “naked truth” and facing it to fix it then some people would not be so worried about the flaws of the fellow Christian brother and or sister, understand this my friend! You have to be concerned about your “naked truth” not what others will think, may think and or even say…. I think of times where up to now I have lost some friends only because I faced the “naked truth” that allowed for me to be truthful with myself then them…….a while back-recently I was invited to a dear friends birthday bash, it was great for them but not for me-you see if you knew me before salvation then after salvation you’d understand that there are some places up to now in my saved mind I cannot step a foot in and because of that I did not attend the birthday party, did I want to go and support them? Yes! But did I want to be in that environment? No! So I could not even for a second allow the enemy to play mind games with me and persuade me in going-and have me believing I've been saved so “I’m tough” nooooo-buddy! I turned down the invitation which might have upset and or disappointed them but my life is at stake here…I know the “naked truth” of the demons I once wrestled with and wouldn’t pay a dime to act as though I’m Jesus and nothing can harm me or bring me down, “let me tell you something-Honey! This new, improved and saved Memory had to come to some ‘naked truth’ to stay in line and in focus with my relationship with God”….. (Sigh… Ok! Let me get off my soap box and get back to the topic) As I was saying… once you learn to accept your own “naked truth” you will be able to be truthful with those around you, truthful with yourself and you will be able to live a truthful life, you will be able to embrace any personal change that needs to be done and or constructive criticism given to you, embracing your own “naked truth” is truly liberating! Love you that much-stay blessed!

Memory B

Pieces of Me