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Born Again "Afresh" this book is now available at Amazon.com, authorhouse.com, barnesandnoble.com
How struggling Christians can get back on track By Memory Bengesa

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Irony of Struggle

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20

Struggle is truly a double sided coin when you think of life’s everyday challenges, the simple fact being the word struggle is not biased according to race, age and or background……you can have all the money in the world and yet have an inner “personal” struggle and then you can have no money and inner peace but have an ongoing “outer” struggle, point being no matter who you are what ranks you fall under it is almost guaranteed that at one point and time in your lifetime you will encounter this thing that is known as struggle……. I attribute my “once” over-achieving ways to the fear of ‘life” struggle (before Christ that is) I really used to think if I continued to work as hard as I could and nonstop I would live a comfortable lifestyle without a “struggle,” unbeknownst to me even in my over-achieving ways I still ran into this thing we call “struggle,” all I could remember after I achieved all the materialistic things I ever wanted and was living it up was, “how can I be failing inwardly?” I was struggling inwardly with a body rotting, mind griping addiction that was eating at me……sure my outer appearance stayed perfectly maintained and my lifestyle was a breeze to keep up with but inwardly there was a huge hole, one that could not be satisfied by my cars, house, furniture and or the fancy clothes and shoes………to face life in the eyes of all its truthfulness was a hard task, I wanted to believe I was fine and yet I was struggling inwardly………it was embarrassing to even think of my inner struggle at that time but truth-today as it holds was that the over-achiever, hard-working and zealous individual was drowning at the mercy of an “unwavering” struggle, even though I was not a believer then I knew there was going to be some kind of freedom………my now Christian, born again walk with the Lord has led me to further understand the “irony” of  struggle……you-see…..I still praise and thank God like I did when He freed me because the mere thought of my inner struggle brings upon a sorrow and joy in my life, sorrow that I went through it and joy that I am free…….I have this to share with you today-Beloved, you might be in the midst of an inner struggle or outward struggle…..or a struggle-period! Whatever your situation is today please understand that it’s there to strengthen your faith in God, the struggle is here to remind you to truly rest upon His every word and to breath His every word in your life, without struggle there really isn't much to be grateful about but our existence, but with struggle we taste the sovereign saving power of our Lord which then gives us a deeper appreciation of our creator, look to Him in this time of struggle for He will see you through and strengthen you in the midst of it all! I conclude by stating, struggle can be excruciating on the surface but deeply profound and spiritually invigorating in a more intimate understanding, thus creating the “irony of struggle.”

Memory B

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