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Born Again "Afresh" this book is now available at Amazon.com, authorhouse.com, barnesandnoble.com
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Monday, May 20, 2013

"Common Sense" is it a Superficial expectation or Christian Judgement?

I am so often reminded of my old ways of thinking, I remember that the majority if not everything was “supposedly” common sense to me until the Lord started to deal with me in a deeper sense, I had this revelation while in my leadership role and way after I came to know Christ, I cannot count with the fingers on my hands plus my toes how many times I have often used the phrase; “Its common sense” while training or just conversing with people…..Christ's compassion for mankind goes deeper than the; “It is common sense phrase,” His love supersedes one’s ability of not having this human expectation of “Common sense” that we (Yes! some of you and I ) hold other people into, one thing I have truly learned is the mere factor that sometimes as human beings we tend to hold each other to very high superficial expectations, when I say superficial I am now talking about the level of expectation that you as an individual would handle things, sometimes we expect people to know what we know or to be able to do what we do whether its at work on the same job description, general life knowledge or whatever the case is, I can tell you that I fell-guilty in this area more than once, at one point and time in my life I felt that things that were very common sense (general things) to me should have been common sense to others and I felt that the basic things that came easy to me should have come easy to others…..my type of thinking at that time was very dangerous in a lot of aspects but today I want to highlight a correlation that is visible among “Christians,” some “Christians” hold people to a high level of expectation that in turn when that person doesn't perform to “their” expectations” it causes that “Christian” to give up on them and or pass judgment, brothers and sisters, what has come easy, natural and or what is “common sense” to you is not always the same case with other people, you have to (I repeat), you have to! Have patience with all mankind and understand that everyone’s thinking capacity is uniquely crafted, everyone doesn't come from your household and or up bringing so please create a Spirit of sensitivity within yourself to understand the uniqueness of peoples thinking and because of that they don’t see things through your eyes-per say….the next time you think in your mind when ministering and or just conversing with someone that “Its common sense,” remember that Jesus walked this earth with a great compassion for all mankind and never expecting anyone to have the same level of "Common sense" as He had but rather He taught for understanding-sake, so next time when you think of uttering the phrase; “It is common sense,” make sure you teach that person to have a full understanding like Christ did and does…… after all your “Common sense” just might not be “common.”
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.” 1 John 3:16

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